玩偶杀手经典影评; 故事是个好故事,但是还真没见过这种从男到女从老到幼全部角色都讨人厌的电影,不知道编剧到底在搞什么到末了才理清片子真正要讲的东西前面的铺垫做的挺好但是女主戏重反倒在男主身上的戏轻了把罪犯的名头安在他头上就显得稍稍有些突兀而这个结尾并不满意两人相拥离去就ok非得将女主洗白这也看不到其中的转变的线索片子不短,尤其好玩的是千奇百怪的飞机和对各个国家性格的嘲讽 1975西班牙恐怖片《玩偶杀手》剧情;Paul was raised as a girl after his sister died. He has been collecting dolls ever since. But that has left him troubled and he was unable to cope with the pressure of a medicine degree. He now returns to his home town to work as a gardener at a local mansion. But after he arrives, murders start to happen. Is he responsible or are the answers in his nightmares久久影院涵盖电影大片超振奋的电影最全面,本站是国内领先的在线视频网站,又名五八影视艺条龙影视打造。在线完整免费视频在线观看完整版免费无需安装任何播放器,久久影院,国内外热播电影汇聚全网飘雪影视